Asolene (Pomella) americana (v. Ihering, 1919)





Shell: Moderately large shell (up to 60 mm height), as wide as high with a very large mouth, as larger as the body whorl. The spire is relatively low, but much more visible than in its close relative: Asolene (Pomella) megastoma.
The shell is less heavy than in megastoma, with a smoother surface. The umbilicus is very narrow to closed.
The colour varies from light to dark brown with a dark banding pattern. The inside of the shell is dark in colour with a white margin near the opening and differs from megastoma, which has a white inside.
Operculum: The operculum is moderately thick and corneous. The structure is concentric with the nucleus close the centre of the shell. The colour is dark brown to black. The operculum can be retracted in the aperture (shell opening).
Body: Brown to nearly black.
Eggs: The calcareous eggs are laid above the water surface on objects or vegetation (source: Manuel G. Quitana, Argentina).

Distribution: This rare snail is only known from the vicinity of the Iguazu Falls in the Rio Parana system in Southeastern of Brasil.




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