Pila polita (Deshayes, 1830)



Pila polita
Pila polita.
(picture not licenced under creative commons)
Pila polita
Pila polita.
(picture not licenced under creative commons)
Pila polita
Pila polita, form with high spire.
(picture not licenced under creative commons)

Shell: Two forms exist: one large form (80-95 mm high, 70-80 mm wide) with a short spire and a smaller form (60-70 mm high, 45-55 mm wide) with a high spire. The shell opening is oval and the umbilicus is narow and almost closed. The lip is somewhat thickened and the surface of the shell is smooth.
The colour of the shell varies from brown to bright olive green and sometimes faint spiral bands are visible.
Operculum: 2 times higher then wide and calcified.
Body: ?
Eggs: The calcareous, white eggs are deposited above the waterline.

Food: Various water plants.
Behaviour: Prefers stagnant water (swamps, flood-planes).
Asia: Thailand, Cambodia, India, South China.



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